the sky dripping with ink

weeping fireflies

walking the tightrope of time

so much beauty in this poetic prose...

alongside the depth of despair, makes for a perfect piece of kintsugi (=golden joinery) writing.

I see a new literary genre in the making.

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Wow, thank you for your very generous comments!

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I never pictured Kintsugi as a way to mend words heart mind and soul and all those fragmented feelings, memories and forever pains.... But you're right Veronica, it fits perfectly.

We got served some precious, and precise craftmanship here.

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Veronika, I know right? Lady Rewind is such a talented writer 🤍

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Love those bits, too, but isn't poetry on nature, but about other things just about as old as the oldest fragments of literature we've got? Or is there a twist I'm not seeing?

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What you are (maybe not) seeing here is not just 'poetry on nature with some metaphoric sense', but a unique style of poetic prose combined with extreme content ~ serious and horrific trauma described in beautiful language.

A writer who has experienced extreme violent trauma ~ and is also an exceptionally gifted poet with a unique voice ~ that in itself is relatively rare and stands out.

In addition to the combination of skill and personal story, this particular poem expresses an additional layer of inner transformation, rather than 'just metaphoric poetry using nature images'.

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Wow. This one is mastery.

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Thank you!

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“so I lay there, under the sky dripping with ink—autographed by providence—with twilight mourning day—weeping fireflies in remembrance”. I love this line so much . How you can mix imagery with emotion gets me every time. This is beautiful, friend. Thank you.

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Thank you, Steve!

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That’s so hard…..

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May 26Liked by The Rewind

I have been absent from the world and everyone and Substack, for what seems an eternity, but, not really that long at all. So here I am trying to catch up, and, of course I think of you… and I read this?

Is there no corner of human emotion you cannot weave into the same scarf? You blow my mind, and your talent is beyond this world.

Tonight, I will, from my porch, serenade my fireflies… I will concentrate on singing you a wish of serenity, or, at least enough threads of it to give you a moment of warmth. I hope you will try to feel for it, because I promise it is yours for the taking.

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Thank you, Sea. I sure do appreciate your kindness and good wishes!

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Jun 1Liked by The Rewind

Of course!

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This is beautiful. Reads like a poem, the melody of your words brings me on a journey. I wonder why its layout is written like a story instead of a poem? What's the reasoning for that?

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Thank you. As far as the layout—that’s just how it comes to me, I don’t really follow any set of how it should or shouldn’t be! Thanks for reading appreciate you!

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Oh, ok it is presented in its raw form. I love it either way Thank you! I appreciate you too. Writing poetry I expect it in a certain way. Doesn't mean a thing if that form or shape isn't expressing you. I've set out to write poems and a story comes out and vice versa so I get that. I was just curious to know your take. Thank you so much!

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You’re welcome, thank you!

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"I am protected within my barren and desolate life, so I walk the tightrope of time with my eyes closed because it’s too painful to see—and yet—I feel—so exquisitely—sometimes it’s unbearable."

This resonated so well for me. Just the thought of getting around to ripping the band-aid off just to get it over with feels me with a dread that has been kicking my butt lately. You know the pain will pass but the fear for me comes from how long it'll last and if it will linger past today and then tomorrow.

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Glad it resonated with you Daniel! Thanks for being here!

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This one is just there. An envelopment. I’m going to sit with this for a bit. Read it a few more times. Let it sink in to me and through me.

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That constant reminder that we're never alone, and rarely, if ever, in control.

I think I'm in charge of my mind. Then I remember that I'm me, myself, and I. The three of us. And the autopilot as well.

We get in the car.

The Autopilot takes over.

I already know where we're going.

Me starts pondering the future.

Myself looks out the window for anything interesting.

We don't even notice each other, let alone talk.

That said, the four of us would very much like to get stoned together, but these days we're pretending to be a Model Citizen.

When in fact, truth be known, we're collectively borderline fucking insane...😉

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You are always so interesting and fascinating, Stark—I always love your comments—thanks for being here, appreciate you!

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That's very nice of you to say, Rewind, but always remember, it's your words that promote my response.

And I'm glad you find it of interest - I read about you feeling a little crazy in the head, and my mind (and its BFF, my imagination), said, "Which one of us in here is she calling crazy?"

I'm aware it doesn't happen to everyone, but the voices (plural) in my head are never silent. They wander off on tangents, they argue, they debate, and more often than not, I'm just a casual observer, listening whilst my eyes take in the physical landscape. And when necessary, I interrupt them, tell them to shut up, and get them (all) to focus on the task at hand. Like writing these sentences so they almost make sense 😂

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Hauntingly beautiful. I can hear and feel everything in the grass and sky. oxoxox

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Thank you, Deb!❤️

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"Under a sky dripping with ink..."

DAMMIT... That's a great opening line.

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What they all said...You are a poet with weeping words and exhilarating insights. Brush yourself off and keep moving-motion is life as time yanks and tugs at the marrow of our bones.

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.. we likes ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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"I grasp handfuls of innocent grass like its hair, and howl" - WHAT ARE THESE WORDS???? Absolutely gorgeous, this imagery has my heart.

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This is my first time stumbling upon The Rewind… so glad

Felt the full scope of being human here—an almost impossible range of emotion. Like screaming Life into the void

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"I feel a little crazy sometimes." ... Only sometimes? That could be framed as a success 😊

"because I also rejoice in my solitude and savor it like something rare—something scarce—something safe." ... I like this entrée into the world of safety, it sounds empowering, especially in today's world where '[for your] safety' leads to an excuse for the next round of clamping down on our freedoms.

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