It's so good to know you have a trusted therapist who's truly listening and supporting you. They're a gem within the system!

I was once dismissed from therapy because they concluded my birth trauma is so severe they didn't know what to do with me. Great tactic, just abandon the patient... I was foolish enough - or more precise, desperate enough - to quit my meds cold turkey. The next few weeks were hell, but in all honesty, I'd do it all over again. I refuse to be drugged for being human and having a normal response to harm someone else inflicted on me.

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Thanks for being here, Ramona.

I am sorry that happened to you, that’s terrible. It is always unreal to me how another human being can treat another human being with such disregard. I am glad you quit the meds. Life looks a lot different not on them doesn’t it? Thanks so much for being here, and sharing some of your story. Appreciate you!

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Wow Ramona, that's incredibly tough, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It’s appalling that a therapist would abandon you like that, especially when you needed help the most.

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Thank you for your kindness. Sadly, I realised that I can't rely on the system that caused my trauma in the first place to help me get over it. I had to do it by myself. They never even acknowledged their wrongdoing and just kept gaslighting me. Even my hospital notes were embellished, falsified, not reflecting what actually happened. I was left to dig myself out of a hole someone else made.

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I hear you. What was the greatest lesson you’ve learned from that, Ramona?

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It was probably the acknowledgement that what happened wasn't a one-off, but a symptom of systemic violence against women under capitalism and colonialism.

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I am so glad the therapist helped you so much, became such a light. And now….you are a light to others. How light spreads, my friend xx🔥❤️😘

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Thank you so much, Julie! You are a real light yourself, and I am thankful you’re here!❤️

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A beautiful tribute — to yourself and to your therapist. And to human pain and resilience.

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Thank you, Jonathan—I am grateful you’re here, and appreciate you always!

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Oh, and when ‘we’ read your words, we see a beautiful soul … and a sage. 💜🙏😊💝

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Thank you, Simone! Appreciate you and your kind words!❤️

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I am beyond grateful for you sharing this!

How wonderful that you found an 'enlightened', enlightening, bright light shining through and out of the darkness therapist. They are rare.

Grateful for your writing. Know that your work is so important. It is priceless. You are shining that light into the darkness for many.

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Thank you, Veronika! Yes, I was lucky to by chance have met my therapist years prior when I was a waitress. It’s strange sometimes how things happen in life, and look back on it and kinda scratch your head like wow, is fate really a thing? Like a living breathing thing? Anyway. Thank you for your generous spirit and kindness. I always appreciate and am grateful for you❤️

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The older I get, and the more I do my 'work' of Synchronosophy, the more I believe that what we call 'fate' is information 'encoded' within our Consciousness. It's not something inevitable, not something that will definitely happen (or not as the case may be). But like other 'genetic information', it can be stimulated, or triggered, by ourselves... (or 'turned off' in the case of a genetic disposition to certain illness)

And if it is true that we are ultimately 'all one' (like every individual human being one cell of a vast living organism), then it is not entirely surprising, if/when the right person crosses our path at the right moment... and makes a significant impact...

It's a crazy thought, I know. Not originally mine!! But I find it exciting to think about ourselves in that way.

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You are such a good writer. So good 🙏💚

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Thank you Don! High praise from such a writer as yourself! It means a lot. Thank you for being here. I am grateful.❤️

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Thank you for writing this. I’m so glad you managed to find it in yourself to call the one person who would actually value you in that moment. Thank you for your story.

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Thanks for reading it Mike! It really means a lot—and I am grateful that you are here!

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Big kudos to you first for reaching out to your therapist. YOU are the reason. I’m sure a lot of hard work and introspection went into the sessions. I’m grateful your therapist told you that a release might be writing, and that you took that suggestion. I am sure many have been helped by your writing. Thank you for your openness.

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Thank you so much Monica. It means a lot that you’re here, and I appreciate you!

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So heartbreaking and encouraging at the same time. Our culture is so hell bent on the quick fix that drugs are always the go to when life is too severe. The sad part, and those who prescribe it know it, is that the drugs may be effective at first but they lose efficacy after a while so it becomes a merry go round of try this try that. Incredibly inspiring that you were able to get off the ride and found a therapist that can help you. So happy for you.

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Thank you Steve! Yes, it seems a lot of the time that some people are too human for the big pharma companies and doctors. So instead of talking with someone and finding out why they feel that way—instead they want to poison you. It’s sad really. Thank you for being here, it means a lot!

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I went through this with my youngest daughter and a psychiatrist. All she did was push drugs and my daughter and I suggested to her that maybe talking about things would help. The doctor seemed sympathetic but clueless about actually interacting. It was the last time with that doctor and fortunately my daughter found one she could really relate to. Always here to support you🙏🏽

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High, Sister, I’m happy you and your perfect therapist found one another. There’s nothing like that therapeutic relationship that is the seed of healing when that connection’s born.

My own therapist is that way. I just talk so easily with her. I had to request her after she did my intake. The connection was there.

As a therapist myself I love my work best when I connect that way with my own patients.

Thank you for your kind words about my most recently poem. I replied with an explanation of sorts.

Love you, Jess. So very pleased your writer’s block ended.

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I relate to this 1000%. This comment would be way too long if I elaborated but, in almost every scenario like this, including my own, these drugs make us worse and cause symptoms that we never had before we took them - and regarding the withdrawals, even with a taper, some of them are more brutal to detox from than heroin (speaking from experience). I am so glad to hear you got off of them.

The problem is that our “system” isn’t designed to actually help people, these drugs are just ways to mute the canaries in the coal mine, because if actual causes for our conditions were acknowledged, society could not continue to function as it does — and that is not something the “controllers” of the machine are not willing to give up. We take it back by doing what you just did and by sharing the story. Thank you.

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Canaries in the coal mine…. Perfect description- here take these they will help. If and only if there is a person to help you. I know many of these drugs will help people. However they were not meant to replace feelings.

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Ooofff yes living in a world that separates us so much from true genuine grieving and healing has become a huge market for pharmaceuticals.

What a wonderful comment seciton where y’all are being supportive of each other. That is the first stage of community.

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Thank you for being here, Michele! Yes, there’s nothing wrong with feelings, we are human, not robots—when stuff happens to us—we feel—and that’s normal. What’s not normal is drugging you out of your mind because you are human! The community is Awesome here! I appreciate you, and am grateful you are here!

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I could feel your pain, your anger, and your determination to find a better path. It’s so true that we’re often made to feel like there’s something wrong with us for having normal human reactions to trauma. Your journey with your therapist sounds like it’s been a real lifesaver, and it’s amazing how you’ve come out the other side so much stronger. Thank you for sharing this! 💫🧡

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Thanks for being here, Mohika! Yes, it’s been quite a journey, but having someone that doesn’t label you with a problem is all together a different thing. I feel alive, after feeling like the walking dead for so long! I appreciate you!

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Your writing is so succinct and relatable. The subject matter makes you one of the most courageous people on the planet!

I’m absolutely positive the vast majority of us look at you ,and see an amazing person, not a damaged soul.

I just thought you might wanna know that……

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Thank you Hudson! I am incredibly grateful for you and your sentiments. It really means a lot!❤️

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I’m touched, truly and deeply. You are a true inspiration. Being a curmudgeon in my dotage, a reared find. 🙏🌹

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So true!

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Epic combination of visuals and staggered prose. Loved this, Jess!

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Thanks, Tom! Appreciate you being here, and I am grateful for you!

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That. Exactly that. Thanks for using the right words!

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Wow! You are awesome! Bottles lined up like prison guards. Ain't that the truth. But the pez thing - that made me laugh! You and I share the same kind of sarcastic anger. We are spirit sisters!

Seriously though - Your burden is incredibly heavy but your spirit is strong! I am so glad that you chose you. Inside the darkness of your childhood lurks an amazingly talented artist and the world is better with you in it. I'm so glad that you found (and always remember there are no coincidences! I feel like you knocked and a door opened.) a therapist who has helped you and encouraged you to become who you were meant to be and I'm really grateful to have met you here. Big hugs and much love to you!!

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Thank you, Penny! I know right? That’s all I could think of when thinking about all those pills was pez dispensers!

Yes, I am really glad I found the right therapist, they are a blessing, and it is almost like God intended for us to meet, with having met them at the diner years prior, and they are known for not prescribing drugs. Always appreciate you, and I am grateful you are here! Lots of love to you!❤️

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