This opening paragraph — just WOW!

From there, this piece pulls me in, like an ocean wave, drags me to the dark bottom...

to unexpectedly turn around and sweep me back to the shoreline.

Just magnificent how you have built this scene, which holds so much, a whole lifetime of trauma, in such few lines. Even the format is a wave. Brilliant.

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Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words, and reading. You being here means a lot—I am very grateful!

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Thank you! 💕🙏

It's your writing which keeps calling me back.

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Reading this thread hurts so much. Your pain comes through. The ink on the page is mixed with blood and tears, yours and the readers. I am sorry you are so good at writing this because that means you have lived this.

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Thanks for being here Stan. You know—for most of my life, at least until I found a good therapist—I felt really alone with all of this. I don’t anymore—you are one of the reasons. Thank you—truly

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You don’t have to feel alone anymore!

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Thank you Stan!❤️

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Intense and palpable. Beautifully done (as per usual!)

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Thanks Will! I appreciate you!

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Thanks Sean!

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Powerful. Thank you for coming back to yourself and to us.

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Thank you Paul! Thanks for being here—I really appreciate you!

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It took me over 65 years to realize to be just myself and try not to be something I am not. Amazing how peace of mind is so peaceful.

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I feel so blessed to have been a real Outlaw and no I never hurt anyone. When I was in my teens, I was a smuggler and a good one at that. I preferred to do it alone. I grew wise pretty fast and questioned myself while crossing over another border. The question came to me loud and clear. What about the children? I quit. And had to split the country and fast as the Bolivian Cartel had a hot out on me. I sensed that right away as that's the way the do "business". I have no regrets and I loved my great adventures going to different countries and learned so much from the natives. The Cartel in no way ever found me. I am thrilled to be here and a part of what I love doing. Writing and sharing our truths.

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How interesting! Thanks for being here!

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I like the way you write.

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Thank you!

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If it’s any consolation Dante went through hell and came out the other end to see the stars. Try and let it all go back into the universe.

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Thank you!

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'My feelings cannot hurt me, I welcome them like the breath I breathe, the sights I see, and the people I love.'

This is a wise, important realization one can have. I agree, in that, it's up to us how much we let our own feelings impact us.

This particular line resonated with me.

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Im glad it resonated with you! Thank you—and thanks for being here!

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This is phenomenally visceral and too good to read once

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Whoa! Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate you!

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You’re welcome, thanks for sharing

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My heart aches for you, but I also have so much hope for you. This was so vulnerable, so real, I'm continuing to read and reread. "I can stop hating myself. I can learn to love myself—if only for that kid I used to be. For her—I will." Beautiful. Please do.

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Thank you! And as always, thank you for being here—I really appreciate you!❤️

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Always so powerful.

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As always, thank you Jeff! Thanks for being here!❤️

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Mar 13Liked by The Rewind

Your writings are profound. Someday someone will be able to read this book.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate you!

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This reads like a powerful incantation, a spell you are casting out into a world that once hurt you deeply. Brava!!

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Whoa! That’s a cool way to look at it! Thank you so much! I really appreciate you being here!

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Mar 13Liked by The Rewind

The ache in this piece is heartbreaking and beautifully conveyed ❤️

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Thank you Jenn! Thanks for being here, I really appreciate you!❤️

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