It HAS been a while! Welcome back! Your writing is gorgeously poetic. Wow. Pure inspiration. Including your generous use of longdashes. I consciously use them more often than I used to, because of you. They are so useful and powerful!

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Thank you, Mike—I really appreciate your kindness, and generous comments about my writing—it really means a lot! Ha! I know, I always feel like I use long-dashes excessively—but they seem to work for me, and I am glad they do for you as well!

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'Cottonwoods composed with the bitter promise of time—wrinkled and creased with age—stand like a sentiment of accepting the things you cannot change'.

Really lovely writing. A poem treading the darkness and light.

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Thank you! Grateful you’re here!

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If only to grow new. The storms and the gales will always have their season. As this popped up I was writing a poem on trees. Bless you their shade and their stability. Your roots are strong. We miss you here. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jamie! Trees are awesome aren’t they? I don’t think one could ever write too much about them! Thanks for being here, it means a lot. Bless you too❤️

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I think your new name should be Cottonwood. Are at least cleaning this to be your spirit tree.

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Ha! Maybe so! Thanks for being here—it means a lot, and I am grateful for you!

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Beautifully layered. Your essay creates the image of a nurse tree in my mind’s eye, and how it makes way for new life to grow from its battered root system.

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Thank you, Teyani! Appreciate your kind thoughts and grateful you’re here!

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Jun 17Liked by The Rewind

Majesty. Good to see you in this place.

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Thank you, Rena! It is good to be back. Thanks for being here with me!

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So good to see you back!!! ♥️

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Thanks, Angie! Glad to be back—appreciate you being here!

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'...if only to grow new.' What a beautiful read! I read it plenty of times ❤

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Thank you!

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Jess, this is so beautiful. Every line rich and meaningful. I'm so happy to see you. Your standing. Sending you so much love. ox

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Thank you, Deb! I appreciate you and your incredibly kind words—thanks for being here. It truly means so much!❤️

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like feelings that ache to be understood...

we missed your beautiful powerful poetic prose

You are turning the »dirt that writes itself« into sparkling gems

and the new growth is truly burgeoning 🌻

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Thank you, Veronika! I hope you know just how much I appreciate you! Thanks for your kind thoughts and for being here!

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So happy to see you back!!!

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Thank you, Aaron—happy to be back! Appreciate you!

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Beautiful writing

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Thank you!

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This is an amazing poetical work. I love it! It stands on its own truly; and it also brings to my mind the poem Thanotopsis by William Cullen Bryant. Are you familiar with it?

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Thank you, Don—appreciate your kind words! No, I have never heard of that person, but I will check them out—thanks!

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I think "Thanatopsis" by William Cullen Bryant is a remarkable poem-It reflects on nature, life, and death in a profound and contemplative manner.

Don, the connection you made is interesting—both works explore themes of endurance, the cycle of life, and the natural world's role in our existence.

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Thanks for noticing, sol. Yes, that poem is remarkable. I re-read it last night after this poem got me thinking about it, and I find it as deep and profound as ever.

I have been to William Cullen Bryant’s homestead in Cummington, Massachusetts!

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Wow really? What is the story behind that, Don?

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Well, I live in Mass so it's not so much of a story, though it's still a 3-hour drive. We have a friend who owns a small house in Cummington, which we almost bought from him once, so we spent some time out there. The Bryant property is preserved and is quite beautiful.

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wow wow wow wow this writing is so evocative and beautiful. "Night stalks the light of day—the tree moans within the ensemble, amongst the breathings of the earth—a howl of the admission of its truth.

It cannot escape the dirt that writes itself upon it like a signature at its very core—the place it comes from."


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Thank you, Elizabeth!

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Ooof. I had to reread some lines multiple times just to take it all in. The audacity to grow and adapt even when it seems impossible to keep reaching for the light! Great work friend.

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Thank you, Joelle!❤️

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Jun 19Liked by The Rewind

Beautiful and strong words. It’s lovely to see you and read your words again ❤️

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Thank you, Jenn!❤️

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You are welcome!

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