Words evade me, dear friend. Nothing seems appropriate…nothing. But the very heart and gut of me wants to demand a long-over-due justice, an unspeakable retribution for each and every one of those gutless creatures in black robes.

I do hope you receive some bits of catharsis by telling your horrific history here. We’re here for you, we hear and see you—both as a scared child and as a grown survivor. Much love to you. ♥️

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Thanks Angie. Yes, I definitely get some relief in sharing on here, and am beyond blessed there are people here—like yourself—that will actually listen. I am very grateful for you—and appreciate you always ❤️

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You are a foreign correspondent reporting straight from Hell. I'm sorry for all the pain you've been forced to endure. I hope that you find some peace in this life.

On a technical note - Your writing and way with words always inspires me.

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Thanks Sean. Never have I heard it put that way—but it definitely makes sense!

I am so glad my writing inspires you—I was hoping in doing this, it would inspire some for sure. Your writing inspires me too! Thanks for being here—appreciate you!

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Reading these lines my gut is churned up, rumbling towards a volcanic eruption. 'Stripped from the suit of humanness, forced back in and abandoned like a tenant in a cell' are such powerful images of dissociation. Incredible work! No wonder it's difficult to tell. That you are even able to survive and tell such stories is a miracle in itself!!

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Dear Veronika, thank you for being here—it means a lot to me, and I am forever grateful for your kindness and support!❤️

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The way you write makes me feel the pain and I can only really imagine it, for no one can only really understand what you went through. It is something that has been imprinted on your soul by circumstances beyond your control.

What struck me was how you were forced to see yourself detached to deal with the pain and that is beyond tragic.

I hope someday, you managed to untangle the binds that constantly torture your soul.

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Thanks Ika. Yes, Ibhave been working on that untangling with my therapist—and it was in doing that work—that I have been able to share this. It is immensely helpful to write—and I am extremely grateful for you.❤️

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That's good, it will take a lot of energy from you unfortunately. Energy that could have been spent on other creative pursuits but you manage to siphon some of that deep rooted trauma into incredible writing. Keep it up until it becomes tame

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Thank you Ika❤️

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Hits like a dagger. Your strength, vulnerability, and writing always inspire me

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Thanks Will! Glad it inspires you—was hoping it would inspire some! Appreciate you!

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Heart-wrenching. I am so sorry for the unimaginable pain and torture you went through. 😢

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Thanks Anna. I am grateful for you and your support—appreciate you!

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by The Rewind

Pain and horror transformed into poetry and the hope of healing.

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Thanks Jonathan—appreciate you, always!

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I am speechless and grateful your humanness lived to tell the story. Speechless

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Thanks for being here, Elizabeth! Appreciate you!

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One step at a time, your courage, even if so small you can’t see or feel, we feel. We will hold you up. ❤️

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Thank you Wendy! It means A lot, and I am grateful!❤️

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Sharing those times with us which must have felt like forever is the truth of a warrior. Wear those battle scars with great pride because you survived. They could not touch your glorious spirit.

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Hi Teyani! Yes—sometimes like a lifetime. But I always feel a little lighter after sharing. Thank you so much for your continued kindness and support—appreciate you always!❤️

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They did not destroy you. You are here. Somehow.

For the telling of the tale. To bring the darkness into light. To share the truth that is unknown to many. For a just redemption I pray.

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For sure Shaista, I am definitely still here, standing—and a stronger person than they’ll ever be. They didn’t break me. Thank you for your kindness and support—appreciate you always❤️

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I know It takes immense courage to share a difficult story so thank you so much for sharing yours.

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Thank you!

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No wonder you find it difficult. I hope getting it out helps you. Because these experiences are hellish and alarming and always so well written. Yes poetry.

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Yes! It definitely helps, I always feel a little lighter after writing, and am blessed to have you all on here—it is more than I could ever imagine! Thank you!❤️

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You are most welcome

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And I’m so pleased to hear that. You are tough. One has to be

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Omens of evil. Bless you.

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Thanks, Jamie. Bless you too—appreciate you always❤️

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Apr 24Liked by The Rewind

You are so courageous!

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Thank you!

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Powerful piece!

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Thanks Stan!

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